Hippo CMS in the Cloud, a step-by-step tutorial

Hippo CMS is a Java open source web content management system that enables a true, open and context-aware content strategy. It is targeted at medium to large organisations managing content for multi-channel distribution like, web sites and intranets.

As with any Java applications and frameworks, this one is very easy to deploy to Jelastic!

Let’s get started!

1. Create an environment

It will take only a minute for your environment with Tomcat 6 and MySQL to be created.

  1. Go to jelastic.com and sign up if you haven’t done so yet, or log in with your Jelastic credentials by clicking the Sign In link on the page.
  2. While in Jelastic dashboard, click the Create environment button at the top left:
  3. In the Environment Topology window,  choose your application server (for example, Tomcat 6) and the database you want to use (for example MySQL). Then type your environment name, for example,hippo.

2. Upload a Java package

  1. Go to the onehippo.com and download the latest Hippo CMS release for your OS.
  2. Extract the files from the package, you have just downloaded and upload the cms.war file (HippoCMS-GoGreen-…/tomcat6x/webapps) to the Deployment manager.
  3. Once the package is in Jelastic, deploy it to the environment you have just created.

3. Configure database

  1. Click the Open in browser button for MySQL.
  2. When you created the environment, Jelastic sent you an email with credentials to the database. Use these credentials to create a user account and the database with the application.

4. Configure HippoCMS

Note: Multiple files uploading is limited by 20 files at once.

Don’t forget to save the changes and restart Tomcat!
  1. Pick Config for Tomcat and upload all the necessary libraries (HippoCMS-GoGreen-…/tomcat6x/lib) to the lib folder.
  2.  Go to Server folder, and in the context.xml file add the resource declaration.

5. Start HippoCMS

Now you are ready to start using Hippo CMS!

[ Reference: http://blog.jelastic.com/2012/02/02/hipp... ]