The 2019 Plan
Making a few tweaks to my original plan for managing all my digital assets
Several months ago, I announced a plan to spend less time on socPub and focus my attention elsewhere. I'm now making a few tweaks to that plan as I've decided that through 2019 I will be first publishing all my original articles though my blog, Through the year, I will cross-post relevant articles here at socPub but managing this website will not be a priority for me.
This shift in priorities will also have consequences moving forward to what articles from contributing authors are accepted to be published or not. While current contributing authors will be "grandfathered in", the only new contributing authors I'll accept in 2019 are those I'm acquainted with personally or through their work. If I know you or you know me, just send a message and we'll get you setup to publish an article here. The only exception I'll make to publishing articles "from a stranger" will be from those representing open source projects or a provider of good works (such as a charity or community project).
I'm also tweaking my Editorial/Project Calendar to better suit me and my interests. Instead of putting my attention everywhere, I've decided that I'm instead going to focus on one website or one social media account at a given period of time. As an example, if this is Fifty-Two Posts' month then I'm going to be spending a lot less time on socPub. At another date, if I decide I want to get my LinkedIn account in good working order...then that means I'll be spending less time at both socPub and Fifty-Two Posts. Get the idea? My long-term goal is to find out which digital projects are of value to me and my readers and which are not. o for the next several months, this is what my Editorial (Project) Calendar will be looking like:
Year Long Project
Monthly Projects
- MeWe - January 2019
- Fifty-Two Posts and Medium - February 2019
- Google Plus Departure and Getting to Know Google Photos - March 2019
- Twitter - April 2019
- Facebook - May 2019
- socPub - June 2019
- Instagram - July 2019
- Dakota Imagery Group - August 2019
- Powered by Battery - September-October 2018
- Dakota Imagery - October-November 2018
- LinkedIn - December 2018
When I'm focused on one project, I won't be completely abandoning the other projects. However, I will most definitely be spending minimal time to maintain and respond to those trying to reach me here at socPub. In a year's time, I plan to rid of what I find is of no value to me and spend the rest of my time focused on improving and maintaining what remains. My vision is that socPub will become the central hub for republishing content found on my other websites. Whether that vision comes reality will depend on how successful or unsuccessful my other endeavors become.