
How to run frugal yet successful business

The main reason why individuals come together to form a business is the notion that they can earn more by working together rather than alone. Pooling resources are one of the means through which more work can be done, and reducing costs is the other. In this sense, frugality is the cornerstone of any business endeavor. Therefore, every successful company is by definition a frugal one as well. Does this mean that becoming frugal is an automatic process? Not in the slightest.

Fifty-Two Posts: Alone Time

My son had a out of town hockey tournament this weekend which resulted in my family leaving me home alone. In the past 48 hours, I've been the only human being in my house. My only duty this weekend was to take care of our dog Jasmine and the two cats, Oreo and Maya. What a wonderful gift I received in this opportunity to be alone and to be just me without interruption.

Fifty-Two Posts: Skip Resolutions, Find Direction Instead

This year, I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions. Every year I promised myself to lose weight, bicycle more, and be happy. Every year, I fail miserably. What good is a resolution if at the end of the year I’m standing exactly where I started? But let’s say I did achieve all my New Year’s resolutions. How much alone do accomplishing these resolutions bring value to a person’s life?

10 Questions to Ask an Internet Marketing Agency Before Engaging

Strategizing and executing Internet marketing campaigns require specialized expertise and hours of effort. Unless your company has the knowledge, skills, tools and time to handle all of your digital marketing efforts, you’ll need the assistance of a digital marketing firm.

But how can you know whether you’re entering into a relationship with a partner who is not only capable of helping you reach your goals, but also a good fit with your company culture?

Both components are essential because:

  1. You want to work with a firm that's adept at increasing traffic to your website and converting that traffic into leads and sales.

Top Ten IT Security Predictions For 2018

1. Security blossoms in the boardroom

Sadly, security breaches will continue to be a regular occurrence in 2018 and organizations will struggle to deal with them. New security challenges will abound and these will grab attention in the boardroom. Senior management is increasingly focusing on security issues and recognizing them as a core business risk, rather than the responsibility of the IT department alone. The coming year will see further commitment from the boardroom to ensure that organizations are protected.

2. Ransomware has not gone away

Few Essential Tips That Will Help You Ace Your Social Media Game

Hardly anyone guessed that social media platforms would prove to be one of best places for marketing. As conceptualized by the founders, social media networks were meant to be the venues for social interaction; however, with the passage of time, these networks have proven to be the popular marketplaces for almost all types of businesses. If your company or business is yet to make an impact on social engagement, it is time to keep pace with the times and plunge to social media marketing with no further delay.

Facts you did not know about the business ups and downs

Is your business suffering from loss even after applying several strategies? If yes, then it is time for you to diagnose the actual problem behind the downward status of the company. A good marketing strategy of any business is one of the ways to let the brands have significant exposure in the world and a better way to draw customers. Targeting the right customers is one of the first plans that every company owner must adopt. Today we shall give you some valuable ideas on how you can get tons of traffic to your business's website using the social media platforms.

5 Best Alternatives to WordPress for Beginners

WordPress is one of the most popular website builders favored by almost every budding blogger and entrepreneur. The open source platform is can be customized and is compatible with almost every device, offering users a wide range of plugins and extensions for powerful content management and website development. However, WordPress is not always the best option for the websites build on a basic framework. For all its user-friendliness, WordPress does require a degree of technical expertise and coding skills. The extensive blogs and technical support though helpful can be quite exhausting to understand and implement.